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Read the Exciting and
Incredible Life of Mary
Ann Quinn, Adventurer Extraordinaire, in Her
Own Words

She was a Licensed High Climber,
A Champion Surfer and Skier,
A Business Entrepreneur,
Yachtswoman, Lecturer, and an
Offbeat Adventurer Worldwide.
She is a SURVIVOR . . .
and  an Inspiration for Men and
Women around the world!
Above & Beyond the Simple Life
has proven to have universal appeal.

Her motto: “Do it, just do it.”

Cover Photo
Mary Ann Quinn inspecting
ABC’s 300-foot radio tower
located at Newark, California


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Special Discount Price $24.95 + S&H


• Hard Cover - 432 pages
• Book Size: 71/2" x 9"
• 221 BW & Color Photos
• 12 Colorful Adventure Maps
• Glossy Paper

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